2011年7月31日 星期日

chasing my own tail

i am developing this tendency to be writing like crazy again, and then i will be reading like crazy, and then i will be watching movies like crazy, and then i will be playing with luna like crazy, and then i will be painting like crazy, and then i will be taking photos like crazy, and then i will be making useless little things like crazy.

because that's all there is. that's all one gets to do, being crazy about life, diving into your passions, no matter how silly they are and how non-productive they appear to society. i do not mind being freaky, nerdy or geeky.


obviously i am in a lovesick state and am desperately seeking ways to get him off my mind for a while. i don't want to be pathetic. i just want to be this lovely woman a smart boy like him will love.

summer is ending soon! i seriously don't like winter but i guess for something good to happen i will have to get through winter first. :/

because i am dramatic and passionate

the frequency of these updates indicates my state of mind, and obviously today i am not in a good state. my friend P talked about the idea of how we'd rather have someone who comes to you because he/she likes you instead of him/her thinking you are his/her boyfriend/girlfriend and taking it as an obligation to stay connected, faithful and all. true, and then i think about how scary it is when love falls into routines.

i suppose most of us are sort of automatically faithful when we are in love. i have lost all strength to flirt with anybody else but him. i cannot imagine kissing anybody else but him. i want to be with nobody else but him. my mind is occupied by nobody else but him. my butterflies come alive for nobody else but him.

but when i weren't sure if i were a girlfriend i sort of struggled to let go. i sort of forced myself to seek possibilities outside of us. though i had my heart set long ago my mind constantly asked it to close his part down. i guess i will always need his affection to keep me automatically his.

can our rationality manipulate our emotional self for real and fully?

but i don't want someone to love me in terms of the future we can create. even the sick and the dying can be loved, i reckon, so what if our distance is long? do you count your love on how much time you can spend with that one person? it would be nice if i could spend as many days as i want with him, but i would always be happy even if it was just for one day or two, 3 weeks or four, 3 years or more. all i know is that i get to make the most out of the limited.

i tried and it was less likely a happy-ending story if i were to get a short-distance love when i sort of knew that if i were to be patient and suffer the lonesome hours i would have a chance to eventually possess the almost perfect ever-after.

it is that coziness i had when i was with him that i am most addicted to, i felt like sinking down to the bottom of the ocean when he was around. the air became stable and still, and our moments sealed with sweetness and sheer innocence. i am in love with his ability to make me feel, even when he upsets me or like now, when the absence of him lingers in me.

i felt like we were only together because we wanted to be with each other. what else could we get out of each other anyways. i am wanted not in terms of the future i can or cannot give. it is only because of my being. i quite like the fact that whenever he comes to me it is purely because he wants to be with me despite all the realistic reasons or considerations one can summon. thus, i am now trying hard to let my expectations go and stop thinking of us in the context which others should consider normal.

to have what i did done

or to have done what i did, it must have taken me a lot like love.

it takes at least a great portion of me to find that courage and gather all my guts.

at one point in your life you run into someone and get your whole life puzzled.
as for me, i did not just run into him,

i crashed into us and everything we had together turns out to be beautiful -
this perfection is scaring me tremendously much now.

everything i see in him is heart-shaped and my hearty eyes haunt me a great deal.

we are like the blackheads on my nose.

i squeeze them out, i empty
me; i squeeze
till my nose goes red, and
my eyes are wet with tears,
i go to sleep -

and wake up to see that they have filled themselves back in.

2011年7月30日 星期六

a typhoon in town

there is this one boy hongkong failed to charm -

i went to lamma island in typhoon
signal one, sitting in the rain
on the ferry, drifting away from
the tall thing across the sea, almost pretty. (the dutch tourists talked about crashing its bar on the 80th floor.)
i yawned (after a week of jetlag) and thought
to myself that it would be nice
(how nice it would be indeed!)
if my boyfriend fell as much in love
with hongkong as he did with me.

2011年7月29日 星期五



兩次獨遊哥本哈根,都是回港前一日,第一次是凍到耳朵都痛的冬天,第二次是上個星期六,下著大雨的、丹麥的夏季,兩次都承受著折磨人的思念,在新港漫無目的地走,在廣場看看來自夏威夷的怪人表演,永遠都記得他坐低了上身橫張著下身前後腳隔著四步距離地走路,然後說:you know in the show business, when you walk like this, everyone knows you are SUPER COOL. 大家都笑了,多麼無聊的一件事。


因為是夏天,這次的哥本哈根充斥著遊客,每走一會兒就會聽得到有人在說廣東話。那天下起了大雨,有個男人上前搭訕說:welcome to the Danish weather。我和他閒談了幾句,他說他留意到我自己一個踏著那雙(尚算)精緻的藍鞋子周圍走,肯定是一個對天氣感到樂觀的遊客。



2011年7月28日 星期四


我滿腦子都是痴心 滿腦子都是妄想
意亂情迷又心如鹿撞 出奇地平靜 莫名地哀傷
我穿婚紗也會好看吧 我甚至想要(我甚至可以)踩著涼鞋披頭散髮就去結婚


遇上了對的人 我就是個易滿足的人

他給我出走的勇氣 在最冷的冬天樂遊異地
坐上清晨升空的客機 感受流離所愛的滋味
終於我又成為夏天的女孩 懷著期待在哥本哈根機場摔來了十八處疤痕

那個下午 這個我最熟悉的異鄉人把我帶到城堡去
他總是記得要把我帶到城堡去 陪我去郊遊冒險做從未做過的事
天氣冷了還是穿短裙 下大雨了也是不願打傘
這就是我了 久違了的 好久不見的自己
現在我可以不化妝也感覺漂亮 因為我找到了這樣的一個人
花言巧語不多 但打從一開始就堅持我的美最美
我滿腦子都在思他的想 他擁有我的程度 大到連我自己也要妒忌自己
有人說浪漫是要用金錢經營的 也許吧 為著距離也得買機票
但真正要花的 其實就真的只有那麼多了
我就是知道 有些人總有本事 讓再沉重的現實都變得輕盈
而我總是需要那樣的人來助我不翼而飛(男朋友也好 親人好友如是)。:)

2011年7月27日 星期三

it feels like you have finished reading a fairy-tale

and the happy ever-after happened and you have no idea what to do or where to go next, you need something else to look forward to or build your castle upon but you have already got something too good you can't even start imagining something better because it will then make you too much of a greedy person. maybe that's why you always go read the same book over and over again, and the strange thing is, each time you flip through the pages the pages react just as strongly to your fingertips, and each time you greet the characters they come out just as lively as they used to be. oh life is weird, weird as life, or is it just me? i feel like time has stopped and i have got myself locked up in that one space i spent a long time looking forward to. this is dramatic. his influence on me is dramatic. my heart is filled. i have never felt like this before. but as always, nothing that happens in my world is ever quite normal, most of the wonderful experiences have to be transcendental.

i fell asleep on my desk during lunchtime today, waking up with my limbs all numb, one of my colleagues knew much enough to remind me that i were in hongkong. i feel this nostalgia everywhere i go. i have been walking around with a long tail behind me again, but i am happy. life has never been so still.

2011年7月26日 星期二

our time

i had dinner with my evil twin tonight and like everytime before we are happy as long as we are together. don't you love being with someone you can always be honest and dreamy with, the world is bright again and all the possibilities in life surface. i am thankful for having met certain people in life that i can feel this at ease being with. we were rewinding memories and memories took us back to 5 years ago when we were freshmen in the university. it was a time of pure happiness. nothing seemed to bother us for real. we were ever carefree, grabbing coffees from starbucks, skipping classes, rushing homework and sleeping on the 11/F of lady ho tung hall. when she talked about it i felt the atmosphere as it was immediately, life used to be light.

and now we are out of that life forever. i feel old and worn out. yes, i know, i am merely 24. but aren't you scared of that suddenness? much time has passed away without our attention.

anyways, i totally love us. i am thankful that at the end of the day i have got people who have shared life with me to share more life with me. this is the most important.

as for the rose garden, the thing that happened with me was that i picked my rose way back. i loved it because it was special and beautiful and i wanted it to be mine. it is easy to get your heart set when you start fresh. i was pretty much a blank sheet when i decided that i wanted that rose, and i knew then that not another rose would be lovelier than the one i picked. it takes a little time to discover how one truly feels though, sometimes.

i can't believe that after all these years i am still the crash and burn kind of girl. i guess i have to be this way to make life whole for me.

by the way, why am i feeling sleepless again? :/

2011年7月25日 星期一

i keep waking up to forget where i am.

i had a haunting dream yesterday night, dreaming of us sleeping in the forest with an approaching ghost, i dreamt of that same ghost the night we slept in the tent. i woke up to find me on my own bed alone, the one big tree outside my window swallowing willows. he told me that it is a cherry tree outside his window. it has occurred to me that what spring did with the cherry trees has made me one half woman and one half dream.

i took a nap today afterwork, i woke up once, i woke up twice, each time feeling clueless about where i was at. it must have been the flights, i had been on too many flights in the past few days, it is a strange thing continuing to fall asleep and wake up in different cities and countries. it is like i have made a long dream that lasted for 10 days and more, about the same person, regarding the same thing. i am terribly lovesick at the moment, but i am also sweetened with some decent doses of loveliness. every moment i had was worth more than i would have bargained for. there are not many things that i have wished for myself, considering the fact that i am already too thankful for what life has given me, i have lived a good life and loved the good people who love me back in the same good ways. i am, therefore, always engaged with the question regarding who i am to deserve all that much, feeling like i have always been taking more than i can give. but i was told by my beloved friends and family that i deserve their love and my happiness, so i guess i can stop worrying about that for now. :) (BUT WHO AM I TO DESERVE THAT MUCH? i basically feel like thanking god everyday, despite the fact that i can turn into a big whiner all of a sudden.)

i am locked up with the feeling that he and i deserve each other. there is this one thing of us i want for myself (or us) so insanely much. i know it when i look into the mirror and see my eyes radiate. i knew it when i looked into his eyes and he smiled right back at me, along with each touch. am i easily amused, satisfied and amazed or was each moment of the past days we had together starting from 2 years ago really that great? have i been love-blind all the way? i told him that the good days we had would be unruinable, even though we had our departures and stuff, i think nothing stands the chance to overwrite the happiness i got out of the simple idea of us (at least to me, it is like that and it is going to be like that.)

one can wake me up and tell me that it was all but a dream, but i made a pretty good one. had i not lived when i slept? i totally did, and i lived it up.

love is definitely a fine frenzy, it makes a girl lovely and a writer write.

2011年7月24日 星期日

and suddenly i am gone.

i have started to fool or enlighten myself with the trick of suddeness, by being completely aware of the passage of time, convincing myself that this too shall pass.

i have come to the hardest part though: going to sleep and waking up alone.

now i am sitting on my own bed, above me lies my own ceiling, beneath it stand my old messy bookselves, clothes that scramble on my chair, a closet stuffed with everything useless at the moment. despite all the welcomings and "i can't wait to see you" messages i got from my family and friends, i am now feeling absolutely alone again. (though it really is nice knowing that you are always missed when you are gone, it tells me that my existence matters, you know, like at least there are people who actually love being with me - for this i feel so extremely thankful!)

however, this lovesickness is building itself up and i am not feeling so brave anymore.

i tell myself that suddenly i will be there right next to him again. our magic will always work, because when we are together i feel as if everything falls fit naturally, and the air is ever so cosy. there has to be this certain someone in a girl's life who makes her feel a bit prettier, brighter, sexier and happier simply with his own presence.

it's time to start cultivating my loveliness again, so i can get all crazy about life.

2011年7月22日 星期五

i am coming home tomorrow.

last night i dreamt of me marrying someone i did not like and it was totally horrifying that i started crying. luckily i woke up to see that i was with the one i wanted.

it only gets better each time we are together.

i cannot write anything. i will be able to write a lot when this lovesickness starts. but right now i am only forcing myself to jot down a few words regarding how i feel as i want to have it all remembered. i want to be reminded of how good we can be in the future. no words on my mind can add up to how i truly feel though. no words.

i wish i can grab this feeling and store it in a little bottle, so i can carry it around and maybe sniff a bit of it when life gets hard.

nothing in this world can be as nice as the he and i in it.

time is passing so fast. i am leaving soon. i need to gather my guts and be a bit braver for the long journey ahead.

2011年7月21日 星期四

i am extremely in love at the moment.

as titled.

this is when no words can have me explained.
i am happy as a girl can be.

2011年7月20日 星期三


back from camping -
i am at lost for words now since everything has been so nice
he has been so sweet and i have been totally happy.

i love us. i think i have fallen in love with the right person.
i feel more close to him than to anyone else.

2011年7月17日 星期日

suddenly i am here.

i have been feeling like this for 2 days now, this "suddenly i am here" feeling stands out on its own, when i look at the ceiling it feels like i have never left.

how strange.

yesterday we went to a castle ruin and it was one of those places that gives you sublime. if i were a painter (and it wasn't that windy) i would have chosen to sit there all day to paint. luckily camera has been invented. once again i realised how little guts i had, by feeling my legs wobble walking down the hill (or highland). we had a picnic by the sea. the sun was a bit too bright. i am considered a picky person. it was funny to see the cows lazying by the sea looking completely relaxed. the world did not bother them at all, for a particular moment i could believe that they were the happiest animals alive.

and for a particular moment i could believe that i was the happiest animal alive. ah, i am starting to feel paranoid again. i am overwhlemed by a certain something.

by the way, i saw shutter island last night. the positive effects of imaginative talking result in a movie like big fish, in which an ordinary life is made extraordinary in a good way, and as long as it does not bother people it seems totally ok. but it can also go as wrong as it does in shutter island, it is basically exhausting. i wonder how often we lie to ourselves just so life can feel be a bit easier. i am supposed to be locked up as well, i have filled my brain with maybe too much wishful thinking.

leonardo dicaprio seems to be really into making movies that talk about how reality is merely a perception, that the objective world does not matter, and that at the end of the day only our subjective self counts the most out of this thing called life. they all have a thing regarding the movies they make, like brad pitt is obviously into the idea of time and time travelling.

2011年7月16日 星期六

a series of unfortunate events

happened yesterday. i fell from the escalator and my left leg got badly wounded at the copenhagen airport. i am going to have some hard-core scars on it i think. everytime i fell down i managed to get back up real fast, like in 2 seconds, this time i did, too and ran right straight to sit down on a chair. someone got the policeman to check my wounds out. at first he said it was not serious and wanted to give me some bandaids to deal with it myself, and then maybe he saw that i really looked miserable, he asked me to sit inside the border police office and waited for some medical people to take care of the wounds for me. it hurt so badly.

the wounds are still a bit nasty now.

my plane to aarhus was also delayed, and i left my passport on the plane.

but then i saw him and everything was fine. we went to a castle where there are a story about a headless knight, and beautiful gardens.

by the way, summer in denmark is like november time in hongkong, but i like the continuous daylight, making me feel like that the day never ends.

2011年7月14日 星期四



2011年7月13日 星期三

my little sister helped me wash my hair last night.

it was the messiest hairwash ever
with so much fun and laughter.
my little brother is bringing my suitcase to me in the afternoon
and then i will be heading to the airport directly after work.
my coughing is a little bit better, one decent dose of medicine left.
i hope i will be fully recovered in no time.

it has been quiet in the office today
a little bit too cold as well
and i am still too dizzy from the medicine.

i am nervous and excited -
in less than 24 hours we will meet.

2011年7月12日 星期二

the little girl in me

has been crying
yelling and screaming
jerking her hair, hitting the ground
throwing fists saying
she wants her healthy self back.

this big girl (on the outside) is trying to remain calm
convincing herself that she can't still be sick
maybe the jet lag will cure it -
i beg you dr. chan.

my body has not been so weak in a long time.
i am about to cry, seriously, thinking of myself on that long flight
after flight after flight. :'(

i just want to see my love. that's all.
i don't want to begin asking why he has to be that far
because it is my choice. (or is it not?)
how do you choose (do you ever choose) who you want to fall in love with?

sometimes i think about how we first met and
i get this strange feeling inside me.
i never thought i were to come this far.

how much farther can i go?

but it is easier being with him
because it takes so little of him to make me happy.

i don't want to be in the kind of relationship in which one of us has to work so hard to keep the other party satisfied - relationships like that wear people out.

it may look like i don't have much now, and nothing i have is promising.
but the only thing that matters is how i feel, i basically feel like i have everything - i am making moments i will spend my whole life being happy for.

i can't wait to see him.

2011年7月9日 星期六

i knew i knew it.

first dates are always horrifying. you remember having to call your mom and chit-chat with her all the way, asking her if you should just fake sick and run away. the urgency to turn away and leave was too strong, and the idea that you didn't know what it would turn into could be scary and enchanting at the same time.

most of the first dates were pretty nice, if not amazing. some of them were terrific, except that there was this one boy who walked so fast the whole time and would not hold the door and ignored your request of popcorn. you thought it was only because he didn't like you, and that was ok because you didn't really like him either. but then he couldn't wait to ask you out again once you have boarded the train. that night was so dreadfully long, and you spent the rest of the month avoiding phone calls.

it is always easier to remember bad dates, but then you remember the good dates, too. you don't remember how or when or where you fell that much in love though. suddenly you are here reading me and writing you. 2 years have passed away.

maybe it's a bit pathetic to spend a saturday night at home, but all you can think about at this particular moment is the coming thursday. well, actually, it's friday that matters. thanks to all that time difference you are able to steal a bit more time out of that dreadful distance. (yep, so you notice, dreadful is your new favourite word.)

gosh. what am i gonna do? WHAT AM I GONNA DO?

it may be a bit sad that i can only be in love with someone whose (physical) existence is so remote and that i have to wait for months to be kissed, but i am simply too sure that what i am having has to be one of those most romantic and exciting experiences i can have. i had never had much patience in my life, once i wanted a pair of shoes and the shopkeeper promised me that if i could just wait for a couple of days i could get a 30% discount, and then i asked my brother to drive me to another shop and got those shoes with the original price. that was me. i cannot wait. i can be really patient to people i love and spend time listening to them, helping them whine, but when it comes to waiting, it feels just a bit too difficult.

it turns out that sometimes you just have to wait, and no surprise, the risks you take and the time you spend on waiting do have a chance to be paid off. i only wish i had waited longer, maybe. well, or maybe not. it would be stupid to wait for someone who has already given you up. it seems. but the ironic part is it doesn't make you a smarter person jumping into one relationship after another either. or does it? you only wish that you did not have to break someone's heart or waste someone's time.

ah. life...

how do you know if this is it?

at one point you really knew that you knew it. but the world told you that you must be wrong, and then he showed you that you could be wrong, and then your faith was shaken and your whole go-with-your-gut-feeling system fell apart, and then you did not know what you knew anymore, or you did not know if you really knew what you thought you knew.

if i am allowed to trust my heart and my 6th sense and that go-with-your-gut-feeling system, and get rid of those norms and people's perceptions of how things are supposed to be

i knew i knew it, i know i knew it, and i know i know it.

and this time no one has to know what it is.

2011年7月8日 星期五

i must have done something good.

one of the reasons why i love being with my mother is that she always knows what is the right thing to do. even when the world tells her the opposite, she trusts what her heart tells her and for some reasons she is always right about things. this woman has guts, and she does not give up. i have never seen her giving up.

i want to have guts, as well. maybe i do have some guts, since i am her daughter. but i also freak out a lot. i am always afraid of being fired, for example. i worry too much about the future sometimes, love-wise, career-wise and health-wise etc. thursday hasn't come yet but i am already afraid of the thursday after next thursday. *sigh*

we must have done something good by offering to help in an old lady and her grandchildren's helpless hours. tonight i am so happy to know that they are able to plan a future and have lives fulfilled. soon they will be able to make their own livings. everything has turned from the dark to the bright. i am truly moved by life and the miracles we can make by truly believing in the good and the true and the beautiful.

we are not rich, actually, we are far from rich. since dad passed away, i have been living on the idea that everything i have has to be hard-earned. i know not many ways of investment, but i know it by heart the one investment he taught me - save people, not money. maybe that is why i feel rich all the time, despite how much money i have in my pocket.

i love my parents.

8th July 2011, 3 years from dad's deathday. it is hurting less now, i think. but it feels still like he has never really left.

i know he must be proud of this family if he were here.

2011年7月7日 星期四

obedient me.

i cannot count how many times i have seen the doctor and do not take the medicine afterwards. i always just try my best to avoid having to see the doctor, since i am always thinking that going into the clinic will make things worse e.g. runny nose more runny, and coughs more coughy. staying at home also makes me insecure. i am sort of paranoid, thinking that one day of sick leave can make drastic changes to my career. i do not like the feeling of being left out, or missing out on things, unless when i am meant to be having holidays.

but this time i went to the doctor and have been taking every dreadful pill as puntual as possible. i have tried to stay away from food that may hinder my recovery. and (well this one is easy) i am sleeping as much as possible, resisting going out to play and anything that can worsen this stupid little flu-like thingy.

all because i am going to meet my boy soon and the one thing that i am most afraid of is not being able to kiss him after all these months of waiting. (so this is the long-haul kiss, it can still be a smack on the face if my coughs don't leave me alone.)

i am officially stupid.

but not enough still. another stupid thing i am doing is growing my hair - hair on my legs i mean. so that they will be long enough to be waxed off next week and leave me fine, smoothe and pretty legs for (hopefully) a week of time. jeans only for the next few days it means!

2011年7月5日 星期二



















大概是年多前了,就只是咳,咳到喉嚨很熱,咳到頭都暈。那次聖誕節,咳著都要去玩,後來不知道是怎樣好返的。今天看的醫生似是剛剛畢業的樣子,藥好像也沒有甚麼用。只有幾天就要出門了,我不想咳著放暑假啊...... :'(





2011年7月1日 星期五











