2015年5月24日 星期日

Detox Days

I haven't been updating my detox diary because I basically have been having the same food everyday when I am detoxing i.e. yogurt for breakfast and salad for lunch. And few times a week in the past two weeks I was brought to lunch by my boss with clients, and there was nothing detoxing in those luncheons. And I don't feel like keeping records of all the interruptions I got.

However, my major progress is that I have become highly aware of what I eat, and that I have grown to love eating vegetables and I am also much more energetic than I used to be. I managed to be at work early i.e. arriving at 9am (workhing hours start at 9:30am) most days in the past two weeks. To me that is the greatest benefit of having decided to adjust my lifestyle.

But being at work early doesn't mean you get to leave work on time. No. If you are a Hongkonger you probably know. My office hours ended at 11pm last friday.

Yesterday morning I woke up at 8:30am to take Sasa to the vet. She hasn't been at her best health and so we are taking extra good care of her lately. And unfortunately she seems to have twisted her ankle yesterday afternoon -- clumsy old lady! So we spent the whole day taking care of her today.

And of course, there is work that I have brought home from the office -- I just got a part of it done, and that's why I am taking the opportunity to blog at 1am.

Everyday I remind myself that: if I were in my deathbed I would be regretting all the hours I spent in my office.

I just want to be with the people I love, and that is why I work so hard, so I can keep everything in place, but what's the point if I trade all my time with them away?

There are other aspects of life that need detoxing.

2015年5月11日 星期一

Detox Day 6

Yesterday morning I started with a plain yogurt with cucumbers and tomatoes again. It tastes so good I can eat it everyday.

At lunch I had a green apple chicken salad. That's a big box of veggie and it felt great knowing that I was eating healthy.

When I arrived home at night I was so cold and hungry and mom made fish that tasted like heaven so I devoured a bowl of rice with it.

And then I passed out. It was probably because I woke up at 6ish am to go to work.

It was horrible because I fell asleep without brushing my teeth and I dreamt that I had a rotten tooth and I could not find a dentist to help me.

Of course I had to make a dream like that.

2015年5月10日 星期日

Detox Day 5: The beginner's body

I am starting to seriously consider changing this diary's title from Detox Day to Detox Failure. But anyways, let's try to see where the beginner's body is going.

Yesterday morning I woke up, drank apple vinegar, and ate a bowl of plain yogurt with cucumbers and tomatoes. Delicious! Indian style. 2 hours later I devoured a mango. And 2 hours after that, my mom made fish cakes.

Thai style fabulous fish cakes made from fresh fish!!!!!!!!

I finished the whole plate. :S And then I felt so tired I had to take a nap -- probably because of the oil...

At night I had a big glass of 5 greens juice. I felt great actually, for I rarely consume so much veggie.

2015年5月9日 星期六

Detox Day 4

Yesterday I went to see the Moomin movie with Milo and it is just such an accustomed ritual to get popcorn and cola at the cinema so I did it automatically. Bad move, I know.

And then I had a salmon salad for dinner. And a bowl of plain yogurt when I got home.

This morning I woke up and did a yogurt-honey DIY facial mask. :)

2015年5月8日 星期五

Detox Day 3

I deem yesterday as a 80% failure. I was pretty safe at the Chinese Tea House lunch and I managed to only eat the ginger pieces from the sweet and sour pork plate, lots of water spinach and a shrimp dumpling, a bowl of congee and a few small pieces of meat.

In the afternoon I ate a lemon tart (my colleague's farewell cake.) And a cup of black tea with milk.

At night it was mother's day dinner so I failed totally. I ate a bit of everything from peking duck to sweet and sour pork, drunken chicken and fried rice. Though I also ate veggie and had a bowl of soup.


And as I am typing this I am sitting at Tai Hing having rice noodles and a piece of toast.

So, I just have to start over. I will be eating only fruits and drinking 5 greens juice starting from this afternoon. I hope I can do it for 3 days.

2015年5月7日 星期四

Detox Day 2

Yesterday was not very sucessful. I had blueberry yogurt for breakfast and it was wonderful. But at lunch it became difficult as I had a lunch date with my colleagues and we went to a restaurant that offered nothing that fit my programme. So I had fish and a little bit pork, luckily my colleagues ate most of the potatoes for me. (And I managed to finish all the veggie which I usually wouldn't touch.) At night I had strawberry yogurt. It was not so easy to do so when my mom had made delicious spaghetti!

This morning I had strawberry yogurt again and the challenge will come at lunch when I have to eat with boss and clients. There is this Chinese restaurant and there is this dessert I really like and there is this boss who always remembers... :S

But you see, in the past year I had spent hkd24 on buying an airy bun with tea every morning. The bun gave me fatigue. That's why I am very happy with the yogurt I can eat, which costs less and is healthier.

*I am only minimizing my solid food intake for a week as my system needs to be cleansed. After this I will eat healthy and normal. Food is a pleasure!

2015年5月6日 星期三

Detox Day 1

Thanks to my little sis's support and encouragement, I have officially started to detox since yesterday. I was successful during breakfast and lunch, but at the company dinner it became quite difficult, luckily it was Japanese food we were having so it wasn't very heavy.

So the plan is that I increase fruit and veggie intake daily, reduce sugar consumption (in fact I have started the sugar reduction a week ago as I suspected that it was one of the reasons that made me itch all the time. And too much sugar makes you age faster!) And avoid solid food intake for a week (so when I am hungry I drink a lot of water or tea or soup or eat yogurt etc.)

I had apples for breakfast in the morning and salmon salad for lunch. A cup of holick for tea (as I was very hungry) and sushi for dinner -- all fish. A glass of apple vinegar before bed and another glass at 7am this morning (that is when I start to wake up.)

I feel better already. :)

2015年5月2日 星期六

i am ageing! :O

it has become really obvious this weekend that i am ageing. despite the fact that i still look, dress and act younger than 28, i noticed today when i looked into the mirror after shower that there are wrinkles on my stomach area!

oh dear.

i spent all my time working so hard and now when i finally have some holidays i am confronted by the fact that i am already old.

yes, i am whining. 

and so i hurried up to put on mosturizer and olive oil on the "affected area" and drink a glass of vitamin C. 

that's the result of being a low-maintenance person for 20 years. now i only hope that it is not too late for me to start maintaining myself. :'(