when I was younger my thoughts on weddings would go all the way to the other world, there was absolutely nothing realistic in them, i could only think about my wedding in a castle, not knowing which castle, not even knowing if that castle exists at all. i had no idea when and where to have this wedding. i thought i’d better not plan. let’s just keep everything in the other world.
at one point in my life i vowed i would never want to get married, that i would never need a husband, and that i would stay at home with my parents because with them i had got all i would ever need, and besides, i was pretty much sure that the romance i wanted was nowhere to be found. i shocked some of my friends with my determined thoughts. that year I was 19.
last year I had a boyfriend who said he would really marry me. we talked about our future house and our future kids. my mother thought him half a son and his mother thought me half a daughter. i had never had anything so sure and so unsure at the same time.
this year i gave it all away. i think i will be better off marrying myself off in some sandals and flowery dress, with my hair loose and in my sunbathed skin. as long as i am happy i do not care, i can do it like Echo, in the sahara desert even, just like her wedding with Jose. if i am ever going to get married i am going to do it in the most random time or day and in the most random kind of way.
but of course the wedding gowns in pure white look nice. i will always miss that father-daughter dance in the wedding party. (well, i doubt if my dad would be able to dance with me in a sane way even if he was alive, he would probably just get drunk or do some indian dance moves which he was actually good at. haha)
i want to get married just once and live my life happily ever after thereafter, but i probably want to celebrate it over and over and over again. am i such a greedy person?
girl talks. wedding thoughts. in 6 years i will be 30, can you imagine? some days ago i was talking out loud in my chinese literature class that i would build a castle and marry a prince. that year i was 17.
and suddenly i am here. oh my awareness of time freaks me out.
* just in case you're my boy and you happen to be reading it (since i have no idea if you read at all - and it's not important if you do not): don't worry, we aren't getting married tomorrow. i'm not getting married anytime soon, either. it's just one of my out-of-context talks.