2011年8月18日 星期四

the full-moon, mercury and hormones

have come together to play with my mood.

i want to stop dwelling on negative thoughts. but i am afraid that i react too much and too joyfully to the little things people normally do not care. i am starting to wonder if it is going to ruin me being overly optimistic. i thought that was the way to go, now i am not sure which way is the good way. maybe there is a reason why the majority of people shares the same measurement to a lot of things. what is that reason? why have i not been convinced?

it feels like that sometimes you spend too much time walking around in other people's shoes that you forget where your own shoes are.

it is because i have lived through disasters. i have grown to learn that things can be worse, and that we are lucky enough when they are the way they are, that as long as there are hopes, there are chances.

i would have been living in depression if i am not as positive as i am. maybe that isn't so bad building one castle after another than. there is no other way to live.

i can survive upon very little of everything. actually, we should all live life that way. the only thing that disturbs me is how the majority doesn't think so, and from time to time they become so major that they make me doubt myself.

