2011年8月25日 星期四

bad-weather friends - 同病相愛

fair-weather friends are those who only come to you when days are good, and bad-weather friends are just the opposite. can you believe it? there are actually people who only love you when you hurt. maybe it is another thing about human nature, that it is always easier to have people feeling sad for you than to have people feeling happy for you. empathy is comparatively easier, it takes a cold-blooded person to not feel things for those who suffer, but it takes a bigger heart to be the "bridesmaid" - if you know what i mean.

some people loved me when i was stuck in a miserable life, and now that i am happy, they seem to have disappeared. can you believe it? there are actually people whom you can't share good news with. the strange fact is some people only love you for your weaknesses. but it becomes the way how you see who will stick with you forever - those who have stuck with you for better or worse (yes, just like marriage), those who seem happier than you do when happy things happen on you, those who hug you when you cry and don't find your smeared mascara too annoying, those who want you to get good and succeed just as much as they want themselves to, and those who always count you in either in fair or bad weather. now those are those you should really treasure.

oh i really love my friends, i sincerely thank god for my whatever-weather friends. :)

