2011年10月13日 星期四

we don't get moody for no reasons.

i have once again realized how much of a pms freak i truly am. i have spent the past few days in ridiculous thoughts, stressing myself so much that i cried myself to sleep, because 1. my mom said i was picky on food, and 2. i can't even bring myself to say it, but for some moments i kept thinking about how those i really care about may not really care about me etc., of course that's not true. my senses and spirit are immediately restored after my period has arrived today. i even feel thankful that my boyfriend is not here, since it would spoil our time together if i act like a moody monster or an edgy hedgehog around him.

it certainly affects me a great deal, it depresses me like a gloomy sunday.

i don't have much to write about lately. but i am thinking that it's about time i start paying attention to how i look. at time i find myself very much like a cow, maybe an indian one in particular, i work too much, i eat too little and i keep yearning for the carrot hanging down a fish-pole just an inch or two before my eyes... ! my whole appearance is screaming low maintenance straight to my own ears. this voice will soon drive me crazy.

cheery cherry you are only young once!

