i happen to recall it just now. we were sitting on the stairs after the halloween party across the street, having finished a bottle of wine and some vodka. suddenly there was a big fat rat running down the street. i am a super fan of wish-making, because i have been told by my mom all the magical stories about rats, snakes, frogs, elephants and butterflies etc. ever since i was little.
that's how i have grown up with the habit of making wishes to all the strange creatures i see/do not see everyday. it has been years since i last saw a rat.
so at around 4am in the morning, i made a wish to a rat on wing lok street.
as a side note, rats are seen in Hinduism as the vehicle of Ganesha, the remover of obstacles. the coincidence was that i actually prayed to him on the night of Diwali last week, which is the festival of Lakshmi, because Ganesha and Lakshmi work hand in hand, Ganesha removes obstacles so Lakshmi can bring beauty and good fortune. the last time i prayed to any Hindu gods was about 4 years ago when i last visited thailand. i don't have a religion but i sincerely believe in every wonderful thing in the universe. whenever there is a chance to wish for something (in an innocent and harmless way), i always make sure that i make it, and make it on time. :) i hope i did, too, this time! though it is more or less the same wish i make everyday, it is important.
i don't have a religion but i sincerely believe in every wonderful thing in the universe.
回覆刪除me2! how nicely you've put it.
i actually thought of you when i wrote it, wondering if you would be one of those people who share the same idea! :D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D!