i arrived in a 15 minutes plane
with a bandage on my leg
covering scars that i got
6 in the morning. i was sure
that they were still bleeding, judging
by how each step was aching.
i forgot my passport on the plane,
people knew to call after my name -
thanks to its baby pink hello kitty cover,
it was a bit too eye catching, belonging to
that girl with elephants
on her pale blue dress, that girl
who took the mysterious fall in copenhagen.
i rushed into the bathroom, attempting
to clean up, and put on some make up,
i was trying my best to cover up
that tiredness out of the 19-hour flight and
30 hours of excitement-caused-sleeplessness.
it was important to have my eyes wide open,
when he saw me i needed to be my prettiest.
i came out to find my yellow luggage gone.
in that little airport, all lights were off.
the exit spared no time to slide open, the next thing
that came into my eyes
was he in his blue checkered shirt, leaning against
the painted wall, so handsome, so tall, when he saw me
he stood up straight, both of us smiled.
we walked towards each other,
i felt a pair of giant hands pushing
hard behind my back,
he hugged me, i kissed him.
for months and months those hands
never ceased. it has to be
how the universe wants us together.
and then my lost belongings were re-discovered.