2011年5月3日 星期二

the evening game

most women are easy in the sense that love and care give them impossible strength. if you love enough, and if you care enough, or if you hold that magic to make them love and care enough, they will stick with you through ups and downs. they can take a lot, almost everything that life can bring, and the only thing they ask from you is for you to be there and give them what they need when they need you to be there for their needs.

some women can even take cheaters, actually, the same cheating boyfriend, for a million times and more. but even if they stick around, it does not change the fact that a ruined relationship is still ruined. the i-love-you-but-i-cannot-trust-you kind of love brings the greatest misery and backfires in the worst ways. they are not sad that you lie, what makes them sad is the fact that they cannot trust you anymore.

don’t give your girlfriend any excuses to even think about getting even with you, maybe you are only sorry when you get caught, but what goes around comes around. that’s what people call “karma”. i was told that “karma” is not only the magical way to work out the universe, it is one of the human instincts, it is the ghost in your stomach – knowing the fact that someone can do the same things to you the way you do the same things to them because you know you can.

you can go mess around with girls and explain that as a joke to your girlfriend, or disguise that as nothing but friendship, but keep in mind that this girl you love, you love her because she is not stupid. are you sure that you can get away with lame excuses?

that is exactly why the honest bad boys are often more attractive. they do not lie. they will probably do all sorts of bad things but you can expect them to be honest with you and most importantly, with themselves. you can trust them to be bad. the most attractive kind of boys is the kind that is open and honest about things while those who sneak around disguising their chicken hearts with one lie or excuse after another are the biggest turn-offs.

life is not just about being picture perfect, it is always more about digging our souls, confronting our vices, being open about them and accepting ourselves as the way we are, and only by doing that can your soul takes its very first step towards refinement.

our relationship with others is a result of our relationship with ourselves. maybe it is necessary to lie to the world sometimes, or omit certain uncomfortable truths, but why lie to ourselves when we were basically born to know that this world comes with imperfections?

it's time for a little bit of self-reflection: maybe this is why i keep going back to the same boy, sometimes he is too honest that it hurts, but i can take the hurting, at least he is not underestimating the capacity of my brain by counting me to build my trust on some stupid talk. ok, now i think i love him even more.

2 則留言:

  1. Oh you have given me a lot of insight!!

    the karma things < yes i think its not magic, its simply the result, the consequences.

    our relationship with others is a result of our relationship with ourselves. << this is vert true too, oppositely , when I treat myself in a better way,people respect me and love me more too

    O i just love your post (seemingly bobo gave you insight too hahahahaha)

  2. they are not sad that you lie, what makes them sad is the fact that they cannot trust you anymore.

    yes!!! i said to XX that I will still try my best to trust and love next time, cos i once got that "we belong to each other" feeling, and that is great , those its not true in reality , but I know i can still have it one day. and i m sure XX never had this feeling when he is with me, cos he suspected me always and he knew wht he did (But I was happy like an idiot at that time ^^'' )
