Thanks to my little sis's support and encouragement, I have officially started to detox since yesterday. I was successful during breakfast and lunch, but at the company dinner it became quite difficult, luckily it was Japanese food we were having so it wasn't very heavy.
So the plan is that I increase fruit and veggie intake daily, reduce sugar consumption (in fact I have started the sugar reduction a week ago as I suspected that it was one of the reasons that made me itch all the time. And too much sugar makes you age faster!) And avoid solid food intake for a week (so when I am hungry I drink a lot of water or tea or soup or eat yogurt etc.)
I had apples for breakfast in the morning and salmon salad for lunch. A cup of holick for tea (as I was very hungry) and sushi for dinner -- all fish. A glass of apple vinegar before bed and another glass at 7am this morning (that is when I start to wake up.)
I feel better already. :)