so i think i had one of the most wonderful weeks in my life. and now i am continuing my journey in brussels. ravi and angela have got a fantastic apartment here. with all the art nouveau style buildings nearby. it eases my heart indeed. i cried so hard on the train and flight this morning, simply pathetic. i cannot stand departure. and luckily angela offered me a bubble bath! how cool (and warm at the same time) is that. (and it was in her luxurious bathroom!) :D
i knew this one story from the trip, that a rabbit fell asleep with a dragon, and fell in love with him. but afterall she's just a rabbit, pretty, fluffy but weak. and of course the dragon doesn't know, how his influence on her is always much greater than her influence on him. he can fly and he has flames. but as a rabbit she only jumps around and eats cupcakes.
it has been the coldest winter of my entire life. for the first two days i was only constantly praying to god to keep me warm. but then it turns out to be the most beautiful winter of my entire life. i wouldn't mind getting back into the cold again indeed, for all that hygge warming me up.
and tonight we are having dinner with angela's neighbours. and tomorrow we will be off to lots of cakes and lots of beers! (beers in cherry flavor!) i am so glad that i have come this far. i could have dragged it till i turn 40. but then i might not want to do it anymore. may is right. she always says that we can work as hard as we must, but when the time comes we should really treat ourselves with a break.
i can actually foresee the hard work waiting for me back in hk. and the uncertain future. and lots of other issues. decisions to make. hearts (especially my very own) to break. but let's not think about that. it's still too early. i am only halfway through my vacation. :)